A Night at the Watermill
- Genre: 2D Point-&-Click-Adventure, Storydriven, Horror
- Developed by: Neon Tales
- Published by: Neon Tales
- Release date: 26.1.2024
- Platforms: PC/Mac/Linux
- Contact: hello(at)neontales.de
It was raining und thunderstorming.
In the middle of the night.
And there happened something …
… something terrible.
At the old abandoned … WATERMILL.
You wake up with no memory. What has happened to you?

Game story:
You wake up in an old watermill in the middle of the night during a thunderstorm and can’t remember anything. You are locked in and alone … or maybe not?
„A Night at the Watermill“ is a story-driven adventure game lasting around an hour with an eerie setting and classic point and click mechanics. Players take on the role of the female protagonist Leonore and try not only to escape the old watermill by exploring and interacting with the environment, but also to reconstruct what happened before she lost her memory.
And perhaps not everything is as it seems at first …
Game features:
- Point and click adventure
- Simple and clean interface with optional highlight function
- Vast narrative – Experience the story parts by exploring yourself
- Handdrawn comic-art
- Thrilling ambience sound and suspenseful soundtrack
- Short playtime (~45min – 1 hour)
- 3 different game endings
- Variety of game settings (text speed, sound volumes …)